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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 44 - November 4, 2021

State of Kansas

Department of Agriculture
Division of Conservation

Notice to Contractors

Separate sealed bids for the construction for a dam rehabilitation project, Site DD-3, will be received by Walnut-West Creeks Watershed District No. 72 at 1819 E. River St., Eureka, Kansas until 10:00 a.m. December 6, 2021, and then at said time and place publicly opened and read aloud. If Covid restrictions are still in place, bid opening will occur outside the building in the parking lot area.

Parties interested in bidding must contact Agricultural Engineering Associates for bidder prequalification prior to obtaining contract documents and/or bidding. The contract documents may be examined at Agricultural Engineering Associates, 1000 Promontory Dr., Uniontown, Kansas (during business hours), and NRCS Office, 1819 E. River St., Eureka, Kansas (appointment only, Covid restrictions apply).

Copies of the contract documents may be obtained at the office of Agricultural Engineering Associates, 1000 Promontory Dr., Box 4, Uniontown, KS 66779 upon payment of $50 per set, nonrefundable. The phone number for the office is 620-756-1000.

A pre-bid conference will be held to review any questions on the anticipated construction. Interested contractors are invited to meet at the site, ¾ mile north of the intersection of County Road 283 and US-54 highway (1/2 mile east of Neal, Kansas). The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. November 30, 2021. Attendance at the conference is not mandatory for bidding on this project.

For any questions pertaining to the project listed above, please contact Hakim Saadi, P.E., Watershed Program Manager at 785-291-3099 or

Andrew Lyon
Executive Director

Doc. No. 049536